Friday, September 26, 2014

Sometimes you work a lot...

Work, work, work...too much of it. I have such a large workload right now, that I could work 12 hour shifts every day  for two weeks and I would still not be be caught up. It sucks...It's midnight. I get off at 9pm. I am still working. I took a break here and there, and I am mainly doing this cuz Geli is staying up working on her release as well. But still...not cool. Although to be honest, I don't mind the work, I like it for the most part. I keep learning, I keep seeing new things. I just wish I didn't feel so obliged to get things done on time. They keep me working with the deadlines...sneaky.

Random pics:

"Wiggles" hanging out with me on our lawn :) 

"Wiggles" hiding her shy sister "Speedy"

Soaking in the fleeting September sun! 

Sophie's new camera. Super tiny! 

Sophie's desk! clean! 

Because of this, I added a bar/tube to the closet to hang all her pants. 

Wiggles says hello, but don't touch me, or nose bump! (Not bad for a phone pic)

Speedy is too shy to acknowledge the camera
Yes, you will see lots of guinea pig pics. Just cuz I can :) And we like them.


  1. The first thumbnail looks like a taco... or maybe I'm just hungry XD
    Also... the work work work remind me of Warcraft peons...
    It sucks that you have so much work right not, hope you fish it soon.
    And the guinea pigs are adorable :P

    1. Lol I love making the peon voices. "More work?" "I don't want to" "Alright" "Yes me lord" "Whaaaat?!" warcraft rules

    2. Damn... now I wan't a Warcraft 4, a RTS not an MMO... or Warcraft 3, I'm sure it still feels awesome XD
      BTW, have you heard this song? :P

    3. Yeah! haha I would buy that for sure. RTS is my favorite genre of PC games. And wow, I had not seen that lol

  2. those piggies are awesome. and lots of clean things! work sucks, yeah
