Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Sometimes you run...

Very rarely though. And that's what I am trying to change. I went running today. Started off easy, so I am not super sore tomorrow and then don't want to go back "to rest it off" haha. I only ran 5 laps(1.25 miles). But I feel good after running. I plan on doing that every day. At least 3 times a week(Monday, Wednesday, Friday), with a day of biking just for fun in between maybe. Let's see how quickly this falls apart!

The track where I run. It's a few blocks from the house. 

My bike! Just because :D 


  1. Nice, running is awesome... well, any activity, lol, but running is just kind of liberating, at least that's how I feel XD
    And cool bike.

  2. i hate running. and biking is fun.
