Friday, May 6, 2011

Knitting?! And your inner fish!

First, let me say that there are few things that awe me more than learning about ancestry. Both biological, and cosmological. This time, I was wowed by this BBC article. Read it, and I hope you can watch the video! If not, let me know, and I will try to find a US source for it. But the article has the information, the video is just a graphic time lapse of what the article describes.

Seriously, take the time to read it! Way too awesome! Your inner fish!

Now, today. I went to a knitting class. I never ever thought I would. But it was fun. Clare, one of the vegans we met through the NESX Vegan group here in Colchester was having a presentation on knitting. So Sophie and I went, so Geli could study. And sophie made this:

With a little help from me, who in turn had help from Clare. It is a tiny bag. She likes it! She also got some gummy candy! Look at her surprised face:

On the way back, I decided to test the HIGH ISO capabilities of the camera. Most of these shots were in 3200 and 6400 ISO, which is ridiculously high. Usually, this makes pictures very grainy, and well ugly. These aren't too bad. I mean, if you blow them up, you can see the noise, but other cameras, like our previous, the shots are almost useless at even 1600 ISO.

I forgot the lens hood, I wonder if the clare would have been reduced with it, since the light is almost direct.

Sophie + Church Street


The cop was NOT pleased! LOL

The "market" streets, at night, and that poser moon!

These shots are all very sloppy, more like snapshots. But if you don't look too closely, they're ok haha I just wanted to show you guys a little more of Colchester.


  1. Knitting? Nice, haha, that is most unexpected, haha. I'll read the article and view the video in the morning at work :)

  2. im glad you guys enjoyed the knitting hahaha

  3. lol, in the last 2 or 3 years I have seen many people that started knitting, my brother included (he knitted a scarf I think), I don't know if its becoming more popular with younger people or i'm that old now :P

    About your inner fish, I don't remember where but I have already heard of it, i'll read the article when I got a chance.

  4. Awww that's cute :)
    The article is pretty awesome. And the video is crazy, it's so weird how we come to be. lol

  5. aww knitting classes!! haha youir so gay that sfunny vato! haha jk though about the gay part haha =)

    i saw the vidoe! pretty cool! fishie face into baby face lol read the article too, interesting! smart shit. grrr
