Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sometimes you wonder who still uses these?

So these were here around the house and I thought for a second, should I keep these? Then I realized, I have internet. I don't need them. Seriously, who still uses these?

Seems wasteful to print these at this day and age...
They are an obsolete item. Eliminated by the internet....they really need to stop printing them. On another note, this is what vegan pancakes look like! Not all that different really :) And fantastic!

Vegan pancakes 4tw! 


  1. Nope, I don't know of anybody that still uses them. Hell, even landlines are getting obsolete, and they're the ones usually used with these phone books. These days you just take out your phone, ask it for a phone number to a business and just call from there.

  2. Yup, even if you don't have internet.. you can text google for this information. They really should get rid of them. They should probably get rid of most of the mail we get too! Everyone has e-mails now !

    Mmmmm, that looks sooo good!

  3. I remember using them to call to get pizza, but that was a long time ago, now you can get that information from their website or a business/tourism website even here in juarez.

    Just a waste of paper, time and money for something you might use once a year :/

  4. they are completely obsolete, and those pancakes were awesome! strawberry pancakes! they might be my favorite!
