Monday, May 16, 2011

Sometimes you witness a 4:30 am sunrise...

4:30 am, and it is bright out?! This past weekend we stayed up until past 5 am on friday and saturday night, and then it was hard to go to sleep, it was day out!

This is what it looked like when i stepped outside at 4:30am!
Apparently, we are very far north! And the further north you are, the more dramatic the shifts in amount of daylight to night time ratio gets. Which makes sense since we live on a round planet :)

It doesn't get dark until after 9pm, and apparently it is bright by 4:30am, and it is barely may! I wonder how it will be in July!! 4 hours of darkness a night? We shall see!!


  1. haha yeah, it is pretty crazy!

  2. Wow, that's cool, I don't like it when it turns night like 6 pm here :/

  3. That's so weird! I wish it was like that over here!
