Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sometimes, things just aren't how you remember them...

This has applied to a lot of things for me...some music, beverages, foods. This especially happened to us with soda. We were addicted, like everyone else in the world to drinking soda with all our meals, and without meals, just soda all the time. And then in Milwaukee, we just kinda stopped because as it turns out, soda companies ruin water supplies and work to privatize water supplies in other countries, which we are not cool with at all. So we stopped supporting them. And little do you know, much later, we try a mexican coke again, and it was...disappointing. We were wondering why we were even hooked on it to begin with. Granted we tried some micro(small company, smaller batches) organic sodas in Milwaukee, and had those every once in a while. They were superior to normal sodas. But I still don't think that is why we don't even like the taste of coke anymore. I think something happens mentally. We associate certain activities, like eating or drinking a certain thing, with positive feelings. And that helps us feel that we need to do that certain thing again, and again, and then we're hooked.

My latest disappointment was skittles. I used to love them in school. They were my vending machine snack of choice(after soda of course, you have to have a soda with you at all times at school, don't you?). We tried some recently and....disappointing. Very...

They actually kind of grossed me out haha. They probably taste the same as when I loved them. But I am no longer hooked on the sugar rush, on the put money in the machine get candy habit, and for some reason, not the same anymore.


  1. yup, agree completely, now if i could only kick this nasty fried potato habit hahah just kidding, i love potatoes and wont give them up ever! at least they are a whole food....

  2. Now I want some Skittles. That usually happens to me the opposite way: I remember something for being awful, and stop trying it altogether, but some years later, I try it again, and I end up liking/loving it :P, like Mexican Flaming Hot Cheetos, haha

  3. It also helps if there is no temptation. I mean, pretty much the only thing that they have in school buildings are candy machines and coke machines (although I don't use those since we have water fountains). Its way easier to get something from there than pack all your stuff, leave your work and go to the bookstore.

  4. @Mari - what's easy or convenient is very often not what is best...

  5. Some things that I didn't like when I was little now I love, but there are many things that I don't like that I loved before, our sense of taste matures too :P
