Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sometimes even in a Roman tower there are vegan cupcakes...

Today we walked around town, because I thought there was some sort of vegetarian event here in Colchester. Apparently, it was just a vegan booth at Trinity Square, and I misread the facebook even  yeah. I always feel bad when I see them at a booth, because they aren't just vegan. They are activists. They promote it, they talk to strangers about it, they pass out information, and nothing. But anyway, after saying hi to them we went to the Roman tower. It is about 1100 years old, and they built a church adjacent to it, but it is no longer a church, they turned it into a cafe(awesome!), and they have vegan cupcaked there every saturday morning. So we went to have some, with some tea...

Tea + cupcakes ftw! at an 1100 year old Roman tower!

Sophie and I, making hash browns for breakfast :)
On another note, Mari was awesome and scanned me some old family photos!! So I posted them on FB, and have been laughing and reminiscing most of the day about them...thanks Mari!!

Dressed like Jorge Campos!!! :D My favorite player of all time! 
Back when there was a football team in LA, the RAMS! 


  1. ahhah yeah, those pictures are pretty hilarious....and that cafe is pretty cool, it still feels church-y though....and yeah, we need to do more

  2. Is that the same church/cafe that you went some time ago? or do they like to make churches into cafes in Europe :P?

  3. Man, over here if you want some vegan cupcakes, you have to make them yourself. lol
    And no problem :)

  4. @Luis - same one :) haha although that WOULD be an awesome trend!!!
    @Mari - well...make some!
