Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sometimes your daughter eats a whole melon...

I love trying new fruit. Many times I don't, even when I see something I want to try, because I don't like getting fruit from very far away places. There's a couple reasons for that, and at the risk of diverging, I will briefly state them. It is not sustainable, and requires a lot of resources to bring your day to day food from the other size of the world. Apples from New Zealand, oranges from South Africa, and avocados from Chile, while living in the UK is not only wasteful and has a much larger footprint than necessary, but most of the time you also cannot be sure of the working conditions that the farm workers have to endure in some of these countries. There, back to the topic, these melons I had not tried before, are called Galia melons, and they were from Spain(see, we're not that strict!), so I went ahead and got some. They look like normal cantaloupe melons I was familiar with on the outside, but on the inside, they are green, like honey dew melons.

And I sliced it up, grabbed a couple pieces, stepped out of the room. I come back 5 minutes later, and Sophie had eaten all of it!! I don't even know how it all fit inside her...

As far as the taste, I really liked it. Sweeter than cantaloupe, but still very recognizably melon.

This week, Geli made this strange but fantastic pizza:

I can't tell you much about the sauce, because I don't know what was in it, but the pizza itself just had yellow bell peppers, asparagus, a bit of olive oil, some garlic powder, and maybe some salt. Once done, she poured that sauce on it, which was fantastic!! So there you go, pizza doesn't have to have tomato sauce or cheese to be incredibly delicious!!!


  1. WTF? how comes Sophie ate a whole melon? Yesterday I ate half a melon and I was satisfied, at least for 1 hour :P, but at the moment I couldn't eat more.

  2. LMAO, she's too cute!!! but yeah, it's awesome that you guys do that! and that pizza looks so weird.. but since you said it has olive oil.. i'm sold.

  3. dude, i can eat a whole watermelon, of course she can eat a whole melon! :)
