Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sometimes you feel like there is never enough time...

So the weekend is over, and I don't have time to say much. I have been processing all the pics we took today from the animal sanctuary. I'm about 30% done. For some reason, we took 300 pictures! I'll post them soon.

Meanwhile, here are some older before/after pics:

In conclusion, RAW files are still kick ass!!


  1. Wow, 300 from just a trip? how much does it take to process that many photos?

  2. @Luis - yeah, there was tons of animals, we went picture crazy haha And it takes hours. But that is because we are still learning the software, and trying new things. Once you learn your style and the software, it becomes faster.

  3. You're getting better! The bubble shot is amazing!

  4. @Mari - Thanks! Did you notice that you can see Sophie IN the bubble(on the right)
