Monday, May 2, 2011

Work Work Work...

For the obvious error of the day, we have:

Problem with Program. There is a program problem. Now I know what's wrong, yes! On a more serious note though, I really hate Mondays. I mean, I am having an awesome time on the always too short weekend, even when doing nothing. It is awesome. And then I have to wake up on Monday to this:
This is my phone, and when I get off a call, it tells me how many are holding and for how long...

Okay, well this was at noon, which is actually almost at the end of my shift, since I get out at 2pm. I hate complaining about work, because it is a pretty sweet setup I have, being able to work from across the Atlantic Ocean and all. But this is a serious buzz kill...can you say under staffed? There is calls holding pretty much all the time. The average, I would say is around 6-10 calls holding at all times. And when your service desk is composed of about 30 people, that is a lot. Needless to say, holding 21 minutes to get your password reset, or reset a hung citrix session is ludicrous. But it almost seems like that's the normal state at work now, calls holding at all times. I actually get about 45 minutes of relative peace since I come in at 5am Milwaukee time(I am the only person in at 5am). And from like 5-6am I only get a couple of calls on average. But as soon as 6am rolls around, calls holding at all times. It sucks for us, it sucks for the clients. But I guess that's what they get for outsourcing IT to us and the winners are our executives who get to cash in on us keeping the company running while they hire the least amount of people possible to keep the revenue flowing...

Just another before/after shot haha this time of a church.
And for the random picture of the day:

Milwaukee squirrel eating a tortilla chip!!!


  1. That really sucks :/ Imagine doing that the rest of your life?! I don't know how some people can be satisfied with that.

  2. Yeah, I specially feel sorry for the clients.

  3. :/ that sucks, I don't like to wait nor make people wait, specially on the phone. It can be frustrating for both parts.

    BTW that squirrel remind me of this picture
