Friday, May 27, 2011

Sometimes real patriots ask questions...

I finally finished the Carl Sagan book that Mari and/or Martha/Gustavo got me for my birthday! 3 months to read a book...shameful, I know. But it was awesome!!! At first I was a bit disappointed that it was not about astronomy, as I would expect from an astronomer. It is about science as a tool for deciphering truth...

My favorite chapter heading: Real Patriots Ask Questions

It always blew my mind when people think being a patriot means "supporting the troops" or "liking the president" just because they are our troops and our president. I don't get all.

But anyway, this book was really awesome. Everything from talking about the psychology behind human gullibility, to the framework behind the US constitution, to the ethics of science and its implications. Again, very awesome book. Despite being 15 years old, incredibly relevant.


  1. I'm intrigued! Can I read it while you guys are in EP?

  2. Damn, I now want to read it too :P

    I had so many discussions with a friend while in school about my "patriotism" and "sentido de pertenencia" (don't know how to say that in English :P)towards this country, and it always ended with me being a bad person because I don't like many things about this country and its people (mostly the way people are and think)and because I don't feel I belong here.

  3. @luis it would be 'feeling of belonging or belonging feeling' or something like that

    i really want to read that book!

  4. @Mari - Of course!! :)
    @Luis - Yeah, people have twisted views of patriotism. They don't understand what it means...they see it as blind acceptance, you have to go with it, or else you're unpatriotic.
