Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sometimes you go to the cinema...

Today, Sophie and I went to the movies. Just the two of us because Geli again had to study. As usual, we were running late in the morning. So we ran to the movies. Sophie is a pretty good runner! We made it there like at 11:05, and the movie was at 11:00, so we didn't miss anything. An odd thing about the "cinema" here, the seats are numbered! So it really doesn't matter what time you get there, your seat is waiting. Kinda cool.

A quick collage from our movie experience today haha

We bought the tickets online, the night before. It was a Rapunzel movie, called Tangled(I think). It was okay. There are many other disney movies I prefer, but Sophie liked it. She sat through the whole thing, without any problems. After that, we went grocery shopping. Then home.

On another note, I watched 2 football games today(online streams)!! Manchester United vs Chelsea, and Pumas vs Monterrey. Both were awesome games! Chicharito scored, and Pumas won! Goooooooooooooya!!! A semifinales!

And for the random picture of the day, what is this?! hahaha

This was a couple of blocks from our first apartment in Milwaukee.But wth is that?! What is going on in there?!


  1. Wow, they really have the seats numbered? lol, thats weird.
    A few years ago my friend from Chile, some other friends from college, and I went to the movies and when we where buying popcorn she told me that in Chile they only sold caramel popcorn, I was pretty surprised with that, same as with the numbered seats.

    In that last picture, maybe the Pillsbury dough boy exploded in there :P

  2. That's crazy but cool...kinda... what if you get a crappy seat from the beginning lol! (and she looks super cute with the headband!)

    idk about the random pic lol. You guys should've knocked.

  3. Tangled is okay, but yeah, not the best. I immediately love the idea of having numbered seats in the um...cinema...but yeah, can you pick or is it totally random?

  4. @Luis - Yeah, movie experience varies in many places. I like that. In Milwaukee, you could get beer at the movies! And it was an old school Opera/plays theatre, converted into a movie theater. LOL@the dough boy!

    @Mari - You get to see your seats when you order, kinda like a concert, it shows you which ones are left, and you can pick. And that place looked abandoned haha

    @Sergio - You can pick, when you order them, online. And at the box office, they show you which are available on the screen.

  5. why do i have to study?! and the exploded foam door makes me miss mke hahah

  6. haha well, maybe we'll visit it someday, and we can take ANOTHER pic of that door
