Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sometimes strawberries just aren't good enough.

To be first class berries. It is a strange concept really, and one I don't really understand. Apparently, if the fruit or vegetable is not as pretty, it gets relegated to a lower class of produce.

They do this in the US too, but the difference is that here, they sell the "second class" produce right next to the "Class 1" produce, just for less. I think in the US they just throw it away, or send them off to turn them into juice or some other processing. They do this for everything it seems. Sometimes, like with the potatoes, it says "no lookers, but beautiful mashed"...and they are way cheaper. Who needs their potatoes to be pretty?! The only difference is that they aren't as perfect looking. But see, the thing is that nature is not perfect. We are the ones that as a society want everything to look a certain way. Apparently, we even hold fruits and vegetables to certain visual standards. Don't get me wrong, I know not all produce is created equal. There is higher quality amongst one type of fruit or vegetable compared to another. But these cases, are seriously just cosmetic. Same grower, same field, just not as pretty....rather odd. But hey, I guess people wanting "pretty" potatoes and strawberries means I can get the "second class" ones for much less.


  1. We live in a superficial world...

  2. haha this is a funny post my brother haha and ur little stawberry cartoon is funny haha =) i agree though... sarah i spent like $130 on delicious groceries a couple days ago! I made some portabela mushroom burritos! BOMB!!!

  3. Yeah dude, when you go shopping here you rarely see any deformed fruits and veggies. Dude, I seriously hope they don't throw it away cause of that. That'd be so fucked up. Just like how the restaurants throw away all their leftover food. They don't even let the people that work there take it home. In face, if they do.. they could get fired for it. wtf :/

  4. Just yesterday Sergio and I were talking about design (mainly web) and how you can have the best program ever, but if it doesn't look appealing to the public it won't sell, and by the contrary you can have a good looking program with not so bad functionality and it can sell much better.

    As Angie said, we are superficial, but before testing (or tasting) the program (or fruit) you have no other way of knowing which is better, the only thing we have is the looks and most people go for the easy way.
