Thursday, May 5, 2011

Playing with Sophie...

Sophie loves habits. She eats things a certain way. She does things a certain way. Her latest habit is to not be Sophie. She will be anything, but not Sophie. She will be a dog, monster, cat, sheep, goat, horse, caillou, Wall-e, eve, even kids from her daycare. Another thing that has become a habit is playing in her room, with one of us, for takes a long time. And like today, if it doesn't happen, she feels betrayed. I promised her we would play tomorrow morning though. These are pics from a couple days ago

Snake biting Caillou!

Caillou petting snake...


Blue frog talks to red frog...

China red frog... :/

The colchester sunset, as seen from her window :)

And for the random picture of the day:

Dishes! Lots of them! Milwaukee dishes! haha we would wait until we had no dishes, then wash them all....bad idea!


  1. Ahh, to be a child with nothing more to think of but playing :).
    Haha, the last couple of weeks I spent in my other house, I got a habit of washing our bowls, forks and spoons on a daily basis (I left the rest to my friends) cause que flojera cuando estaban todos, haha.

  2. Lol, every time I cooked I had to wash at least the dishes I needed for preparing the food, it sucked because our other roommate only washed them like once a week :/
