Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I miss it....

I really enjoyed my weekly, sometimes bi-weekly game or two. I enjoy following a team for the whole season. Knowing how the other teams are doing, etc. I really don't care which league really. English, Spanish, Mexican. The league of wherever I am at(except the MLS in the US, luckily, i can watch the mexican league while in the US!). I thought coming here meant English football!! But no...not quite. It costs a lot of ££££! lol

TV License + cable +  Sky Sports + ESPN = too much to spend when I am the only one working

We did go see the local team once, Colchester United. And it was pretty cool. They are in League one, which is like 3ra division. Again, can't follow on TV or go to every game, so yeah...

And here are some school kids playing at Castle Park. Reminded me of Juarez, and playing at school. Except we had no grass, just concrete haha


  1. Yeah, sucks that you have to pay that much to watch even the local football team, let alone the best club leagues in the world. Hell, even in basic cable over here they put some of the Premier League matches, like when Man Utd plays or Arsenal or Liverpool.

  2. Hahahhaa yeah, when we play soccer it's usually in concrete! :) Aww, let's play soccer when you come!

  3. @Sergio - I know! My dad gets to watch many of the Champions League games and I can't! haha
    @Mari - For sure!! That's why I am going!! Haha jk you know that isn't why :) But we MUST play!
    @Geli - They didn't even make it to the liguilla this season...ouch

  4. cause there's no point for them to win if im not watching....why, yes, the world revolves around me! haha
