Saturday, March 9, 2013

Sometimes a comet is elusive...

Today was an awesome day. Beautiful weather, just gorgeous, the first sunny, warm day of the year. 60 degrees, sunny, clear blue skies, flowers blooming, people buzzing all over, spring is here.

So we biked to this new vegan food cart on Hawthorne(Vegetalista) that sells vegan pizza and a few other things, we got some cheap killer pizzas to go($20 for 4 personal pizzas!!), had a pizza picnic at a park, played futbol with Sophie, then she played in the playground while we soaked up the sun for a bit. Then we biked back home. We made some chocolate chip blondies(like brownies, but molasses instead of cocoa), watched a summarized star wars(Sophie was grouchy and didn't want to watch it, but we had already started watching it yesterday, and I wanted to finish it, and see if maybe Qui-Gon would win this time!), and I also went out to see if I could catch a glimpse of comet Panstarrs, but alas, it avoided being seen. We might be too far north to get a good view here in Portland, or I may just have missed it...I didn't have a very clear western horizon from our apartment.

No comet to see here....
I really want to see this comet. I have never seen one before. I might make Sophie and Geli bike up Mount Tabor to see if we can get a better view in the next few days...