Monday, March 18, 2013

Sometimes you're out of time...

I always underestimate the time it takes to go through these questions...I should be going to bed soon, and I am still like 200 questions shy of going over everything twice. I am pretty sure I won't get through all of it tonight. If I stay up too late studying, I feel like it was counter productive, because lack of sleep doesn't help me remember things very well. So it is a hard balance to strike between how late I stay up studying and how much sleep I should get.

The questions aren't short, so I underestimate how much time it takes to go through each. This is a typical question length:

And then there are the brutal multiple choice questions that pretty much eliminate your chances of ever guessing correctly. You pretty much have to know what the answer is haha

 Not to mention my brain can only go through so many of these before it is fried. Anyway, gotta get back to that. We shall see how tomorrow goes...