Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sometimes it is gray outside...

Despite the last 2 days of beautiful weather we had, today was another gray rainy day.

So we just stayed in and had a lazy Sunday. Tofu scramble, carrot cake pancakes, hash browns for brunch. Then fideo for dinner + potato chips and chocolate chip blondies as snacks. Now, to study. I really need to get with it. At least 1-2 hours every night this week if I am to be ready for the exam on the 19th, because at the rate I am going, I will not be ready and will need to reschedule, something I really want to avoid.


  1. yeah....i really need to study too...

  2. Ah, procrastination, how I loathe thee...meaning, I too need to study haha

  3. I need to learn! and then study lol... and that sounds like amazing food!! yuuuum! what are carrot cake pancakes? lol

    1. Carrot cake pancakes = Normal pancakes + shredded carrots, cinnamon, ginger, clove, and allspice.
