Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sometimes you improvise...

Today I made a soup for dinner. It was really just an improvisation with ingredients that needed to be used. We had carrots, celery, a fennel bulb, and something that I think was celery root(we get a box of weekly produce delivered to us that is in season, from relatively near us, so many times we get things that we don't even know they are haha). So I pan fried the celery root and fennel bulb with some onions and garlic, and threw that into a soup with the rest of the stuff (Carrots, split peas, barley, rainbow chard, oregano, smoked paprika, and some other random seasonings). It came out way better than I expected it to, I really liked it :)

Too bad this is useless to most of you because you can't taste it, see it, or have anything else to go by haha


  1. I demand a bowl of that soup :P, it really sounds great.
    I love improvising when I cook, specially when I start doing something and realize that I never checked that I had what I needed, I have had some really good creations that way, like my mango curry, lol, I never read how to prepare that, but it was freaking awesome XD

  2. I am quite alright with not tasting that :P. Haha, do you have to look up some of the stuff you get to know what they are?

  3. I wish i could improvise while cooking!! Maybe someday lol
