Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sometimes you wear a bracelet...

And some stickers. Sophie is on spring break, so she's home with us all day. As a result, this is what I my arm looked like:

She made me that bracelet. Green, because she knows I like that color. Same with the sticker haha

P.S. no one is really blogging anymore, and Geli refuses to also. Should we just kill this thing?


  1. No!!! no killing! I am blogging lol.. just you and me chuy.. we don't need them. :P jk, if you guys want to we'll give up again. Lol... anyway, tell sophie to make me a bracelet! tell her my favorite color is red :D

  2. Blood red; maybe I can join this cult too if you guys allow it.

    1. You mean blogging? Cuz yeah, I am sure that'd be fine! Link us to yours and we will add it to our reader list.

  3. Awesome, I'll do it right now since my class was cancelled!

  4. Well then you guys will have to be more active and not away for so long cuz then she won't blog lol

    And I think it is just a green happy face, but it def does look like a lime!
