Saturday, March 2, 2013

Sometimes you get obsessed...

And it isn't the first time I have become obsessed with IT certifications. And it probably won't be the last(back in 2009, between July and November I got 7 certifications!). But this time, it is somewhat of a necessity. After being on pretty much every role on the service desk(Tech 1, System Down person, Financial tech, Senior Financial, Senior/Tech 2), I am pretty much burnt out on it, and I am also not learning very much there anymore. So it is time to move on, but it isn't going to happen on its own. So I need to show I have the skills to move to an engineering team or it isn't gonna happen...especially since I work from home, my window of opportunity is smaller.

So late last year I decided that I was going to get some server certifications, since that is what Systems Adminstrators/Engineers work with on a daily basis. I am going "big" and going for the MCITP: Enterprise Administrator, a 5 part certification/title. I have to pass 5 exams to get it. As of right now, I am done with 3, just 2 more to go. I have the next exam scheduled for March 19th. Then I will take the last one in April. And of course, I won't be done then. This is all for Windows Server 2008 R2, I will then do the upgrade exam to update that to  Server 2012, and then I will take even more exams most likely for other certification(Citrix - CCA, and a MCSE: 2012 Server infrastructure).

So yeah, these server exams have not been easy, especially since I don't work doing what the exams go over on a daily basis. But in January I passed one, another one in February, and I intend to stay on track. I don't know why I took almost a 4 year break from this!And work pays for all these exams too, as long as I pass.

Now, so you can have a laugh, here is my directory entry from work:

So yeah, with some server certifications, I am hoping that will land me a job, preferably within my company, but that's not entirely up to me. So if they don't give me a chance, then I will need to look elsewhere unfortunately.


  1. Haha, well, that's a good obsession :)

  2. That's awesome, Chuy! Keep at it!! :D

  3. Awesome, hope you pass your next certifications and get that job you want.

  4. Imagine the dopamine rush when you land a position with higher pay!
