Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Sometimes you go see a house...

So as you probably know, we've been house hunting, and it has not been easy. Today we went to go see a house that was just listed yesterday. It was small, which we want, but it was listed as 2 bedrooms, when it really wasn't. And the pics were from 2008, so needless to say, they were not representative of what the house looks like now. So the search continues...

All the pics are on Geli's computer, so here I have a random sample. Here are some pics that I took at one of the Says The Snake shows in Seattle that we went to of one of the opener bands. I was just testing the lighting and seeing what settings would work, since they played before Paco's band. Then when I was processing the pics, I looked them up, and sure enough, they had really shitty pics and could use the pics I took. So I thought I would ask them if they wanted to buy them, and they said they had no money, so I kept them haha (IANA was the name of the band).

Here are the ones I sent them, and asked $30 for(which was negotiable, but they didn't want to pay anything): 

I was hoping to get our first client, but it didn't work out. Oh well, maybe later when I have more time to purse actual clients...


  1. Lol damn.. go, chuy!! Don't give out free pics! :) Also, that really sucks about the house :(

  2. Damn, those pics look very good, too bad they didn't want them (or pay for them), 30 bucks seems like a good investment, too bad they didn't want them.

  3. the guy with very long hair looks like you wow

  4. Pronto van a encontrar la casa que estan buscando...(son mis mejores deseos)...En cuanto al grupo que no quizo Invertir en las fotos que les tomaste,no saben que hubiera sido una de sus mejores inversiones para promocionarse con esas fotos tan profecionales que Tomaste (para muestra varias de ellas) ...
