Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sometimes you go see a house...

Today we went to go see a house. Here it is:

It is in an awesome location and has most of what we need(2 bedrooms, walkable/bikeable location, not falling apart, but no bike storage or garage, and it isn't updated at all on the inside, but seems to be in good shape- new roof, water heater, furnace, paint), but at $309K, a bit over our budget(300K max). And Geli didn't seem very interested either, so I guess the search continues.

Now, back to studying!


  1. whaa! that plaace looks nice!!! you guys are just too picky!! (well i guess i can't really say anything since I didn't see the inside)

    1. Well, I didn't elaborate much cuz I thought Geli was gonna blog, but she didn't. Cons on this house were:

      - No bike storage, we'd have to take them inside, up the stairs, not ideal.
      - Lower level bathroom can only be accessed by going through a bedroom, not ideal for guests.
      - Price a bit high for us.
      - Layout was not as open as Geli would like, like there was no common space, just room that leads to another, that leads to another.

    2. we are smart buyers, not picky!

  2. That sucks, if the house had everything you wanted and maybe a little better, I would not have any problem paying a little more, but paying more for something that doesn't even met the minimum requirements is nuts, hope you find a better home soon :)

  3. "Not falling apart" is a good thing to look for in houses, haha. Must be hard finding a good house.
