Thursday, March 7, 2013

Sometimes you play futbol...

Sophie had been asking to play futbol for a while now, but it had been too wet out to play, either rainy, or still too wet. So since today was sunny, she wanted to go out and play. We were almost out of sunlight by the time we were done with dinner and her lesson, so we just went to the side of our apartments to play there. She loves it, she has such a blast it makes me a bit jealous. Like she's laughing so much that I am worried people are gonna start looking out their windows wondering what I am doing to her or something. Childhood is so awesome, and the irony is they don't realize it...

Other than that, just work, and now gotta get back to studying. Here is a not so random pic of the day:

I really need to grab some pics off the laptop...

Oh yeah, we need to crop a video(as in choose a part of the frame to display, like when cropping a picture), anyone familiar with some freeware that can do this? I don't really want to spend too much time on it, cuz I don't plan on doing it often, but for this one video, I need to crop it before I post it.


  1. Aww is she good at soccer?

    And didn't you gchat me a "how to crop a video" website by mistake?

    1. Yeah, she's pretty good, and she seems to love it :)
      And I did, BUT that didn't really work, I have to download some other program, and it is only for AVI files, so I was hoping to not have to convert it just to crop it.


  3. I've never cropped a video, so I don't really know what software can do that :/

  4. we should all play soccer with sophie the next time we're together(:
