Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Sometimes there's a rainbow...

I don't see them often. I really like them though. And this one was especially big and bright. It was raining and sunny, hence the rainbow. It would have looked better from high ground, but we were on our way to see a house and so we had no time to spare.

Here is the pic:

I took tons more, but no time to process them :(

Seriously, I am an avid fan of shooting in RAW, but sometimes I can see why people don't do it. I am sooooooo behind on pics. I haven't even posted anything on FB from our Portland adventures since like last August!


  1. yeah...processing pics, while fun at extremely time consuming

  2. What's this "processing pics" bid? Photoshop?

    1. When you shoot in RAW format on a dSLR camera, it allows much more flexibility in making minor adjustments in post, such as the white balance, exposure, and picture type(settings you can pick on the camera, but that can also be changed afterwards if you shot in RAW). The down side is that the pictures out of the camera are not useable, because they are not in JPG file format. You have to go through them, make the changes, and then convert to JPG. This is what we can processing.


    2. What a difference! It reminds me of audio engineering... maybe I should make a blog about that when I'm feeling suicidal.

  3. by suicidal I mean bored... just clearing that up.
