Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sometimes you have a date...

A very geeky one. Today Geli and I went on a Microsoft certification exam date. We rented a zipcar and headed out to our nearest Prometric testing center. We took our respective exams, we both passed, so a celebration was in order!

We returned the car, and looked for a place to grab something to munch on. We went to a burger shop near where we dropped off the car and their veggie burgers weren't vegan, so we left. Then we walked to a cafe that Geli has seen near our apartments, but all they had were bagels and hummus. Then to a chinese restaurant next to it, but it didn't seem very vegan friendly. So we ended up just going to the chinese place across from our apartments. It was awesome. We had some spring rolls and shared a plate, then went to go pick up Sophie. So yeah, it was about as geeky as a "date" can get haha.

On the way back home, we picked up some celebratory "crisps"(potato chips), that I get every time I pass an exam now. So Sophie now associates passing a test with celebrating with crisps haha. Then we cleaned up the house because the apartment managers need to come in here tomorrow for something to do with the lights. I biked to a boutique(a year round costume store) to get some spray on washable hair color for Sophie tomorrow, since it is crazy hair day tomorrow at her school.

All in all, I feel like this huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I was really stressing about this exam. It seemed really hard, and I only used the practice exams to study, no videos this time. But now, I am 1 exam away from attaining the MCITP: Enterprise Administrator.

Here is my progress:

70-621  (Client OS requirement)Upgrading your MCDST To MCITP: Enterprise Support Technician
70-640- MCTS: Windows Server 2008 Active Directory Configuration
70-642- MCTS: Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure Configuration
70-643- MCTS: Windows Server 2008 Application Infrastructure Configuration

70-647- MCITP: Entrprise Administrator on Windows Server 2008

I will take the last one in April. For now, at least 1, maybe 2 weeks off from all studying. Some relaxing time is in order.