Monday, March 4, 2013

Sometimes you study...

No pics today, just screenshots, that counts, right?

On a random note, here is how well facebook knows Geli:

I am sure that is EXACTLY what she wanted :) lol

So I was organizing my google reader today, cuz I am going to try to keep up with it, but will probably still fail, I have too much stuff I want to read and never get to haha. So I am going through the blogs and feeds I subscribe to and found this:

Gabe planned to be in on this?(Yet another failed attempt at group blogging haha) I demand he put up at least 1 drawing!!

Also, I was studying and decided I would get this out of the way. But I should get back to that, only 2 weeks left and I haven't studied much at all! :O


  1. Lol yeah, we were actually just talking about that. He asked me why I didn't invite him to join our 365 and i reminded him of the drawing blog thingy lol. (which we should do!!)

    1. awww gabe feels left out. Tell him to join up! I think a good compromise might be that if you do a drawing, it counts as a 365 post, cuz 2 blogs, yeah, that isn't gonna happen.

  2. I demand justice from Gabe!!! Also, I will not agree again to a drawing challenge, haha, it's stressful for me :P.

  3. I'm with Sergio, lol, I can't even draw a stick figure.
