Friday, March 15, 2013

Sometimes you go to a movie night at school...

Today we took Sophie to a movie night at her school. There had been a few before this, but we had missed them for one reason or another(she was sick, we were somewhere else, etc.). This time, we were able to go. Saw "Wreck it Ralph". I enjoyed it very much. I would even buy it, loved the retro video game references. Things I learned:

- I do not want to under any circumstance teach elementary school. It is chaos. I would not be able to control the kids. My respect to the teachers.
- Sophie is not shy at all around her friends.
- They are crazy and loud when together.
- Sophie talks to her friends about being vegan. 
- We won a raffle ticket thingy, not sure what we won, tickets to some buffet or something, that we probably can't eat at lol

I took some pics, but no time to process and  upload them. Gotta study :/ Which is a real bummer. I miss my Friday late night dates with Geli after Sophie goes to sleep. But just a few more nights and this exam will be done with!


  1. yes, sophie is kinda scary hyper with her friends....

  2. Awwww what does she tell her friends about being vegan? and what do her friends say?

    1. I could only hear what Sophie was saying, it was LOUD in there. But she was explaining what vegan was. "We do not eat animals, eggs, or cow milk" kind of thing.
