Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sometimes you miss El Paso...

Its clear skies anyway(and you guys!)...I have gone out to try and find this comet many times now, with no success. These frickin' clouds!!!! AHHHHHH!!! Even on "clear" nights, there's always clouds to the horizon, which is where the comet is at, so yeah...

This is what the sky looked like when I came out(top), and how it got progressively worse as time went on...
So yeah, I don't think I am gonna get to see it. It is fading every night, and gonna be pretty much gone in a couple yeah. And the thing that bugs me, is that 99.99999999999% of the people in El Paso can just step outside, look west after sunset, and see it, but they don't. Crappy skies for stargazing and expensive hard to find homes are the only flaws Portland has so far...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You can always find pics on the internet taken by... people of El Paso.

  3. Haha, the remaining 0.00000000001% is just like the head of one person.
