Saturday, March 30, 2013

Sometimes you post pics...

I hadn't posted any of the pics from our Portland adventures since last year...I get really behind with that, and really there was pics from last september I hadn't posted. So I tried to get caught up today, and did up until like 3/02.

FB freaked me out a little bit, it knows what I look like. Like I uploaded a pic I was in, without telling it that I was in it(didn't tag myself or anything) and it knew it was

So yeah, it knows what I look like just by running an algorithm against an uploaded image? That's pretty crazy haha I mean, it's no big deal, I am not a paranoid person that's afraid of information on the internet, but I just thought that was really odd. There are people working somewhere on creating and refining algorithms so that FB will recognize your face from others when you upload an image...weird.


  1. eh, i dont think it's freaky, it's not a leap from recognizing faces to recognizing specific faces

  2. It's cool! not freaky!! Also, yay, thanks for the pics lol. I really enjoy them.
