Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sometimes an era ends...

The era of Geli being at home with me all day. Sadly, that is over. Although it is awesome that it is because she has a job at Intel now. I am going to miss having her here though. I always had someone to talk to, we had lunch together, watched some TV during lunch, hung out and what not. Now I won't have that. And it will be chaos too, because somehow, I have to get Sophie to school and pick her up too. I have tomorrow off from work, just because I didn't think I could handle taking Sophie to school before work on the first day I do this haha. Already I have this huge list of things I need to get done tomorrow:
  • Backup pics to external HD and mirror them.
  • Make Sophie breakfast and lunch
  • Tell Sophie's teacher about the before/after school care she will be attending(that we don't be picking her up, the daycare will)
  • Figure out where the before/after school care drop off is at the school
  • Talk to the daycare people about her snacks/breakfast/food(since we're vegan)
  • Fill out any forms they might need me to fill out for(for the before/after school care)
  • Make dinner(x2)
  • Do laundry
  • Do dishes
  • De-click the fisheye lens
  • Pick up Sophie
  • Do Sophie's spanish lesson with her
  • Go to Trader Joe's(grocery store)

So yeah....I will be plenty busy. If I can get half of that done, properly, it will be good day haha.

Another "era" that ends today is that I finished (finally!) the certification track I started late last year. I passed the 70-647 exam(for a total of 5 exams) and finally got the MCITP: Enterprise Administrator on Windows Server 2008!

It took me about 5 months, and 4 exams(I had done the client OS exam back in 2009), but I did it. I am finally done with that. I will probably take 1 week off or so, then start with the update to Server 2012, which for the MCSA: Server 2012, is only 1 exam(70-417). I signed up for it already, for May 24th.

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