Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sometimes you do nothing...

The whole weekend. First time that happens in a long time, if ever. We didn't go anywhere, we didn't even take Sophie bike riding. I just went to go get chinese food take out on saturday and buy a ratchet to fix Sophie's bike. That's it.

We played Angry birds with Sophie for like 2 hours today lol all three of us, taking turns. It was awesome!

Other than that, not much going on, today was truly a lazy day...

So back in February when we thought we were going to buy that one house, I took some pictures during the inspection. So here are pics of the house that would have been ours if we would have just come to an agreement on the issues that came up from the inspection, which were plenty(39 pages of issues the inspector found!). We wanted them to fix the major ones(chimney detached from house, sewage line had roots blocking it in the garage, to name a couple big ones), and they refused to fix them or lower the price so yeah. Anyway, here are some of the pics:

They refused to make the repairs or lower the price because they claimed they didn't have to because there were already other people very interested in the house. This was back in February, the house is still sitting there on sale. So yeah...I hope they are enjoying paying utilities and taxes on an empty house :)


  1. haahah that house, oh how it made me suffer.....

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Is that a fish eye filter? It looks cool, the house looks cool, too bad it had so many issues.

    1. It is an 8mm lens that is a fisheye :) And yeah, we wanted to make it work, but they wouldn't co-operate. That happens with these old houses I guess, it is a house built in 1921, so over 90 yrs old! They did cosmetic updates, but didn't fix core issues with it.
