Thursday, April 11, 2013

Sometimes you are frustrated...

Seriously, we can't get a break with this house thing. I am pretty close to just calling it off and waiting. This is insanity. Today we saw a house listed for $215K, which would work. It's nice, here's the link:

As usual, there are multiple offers in, and our agent is saying we should make an offer for $260K-$270K if we want to get the house. That's about $50K over asking price! What kind of crazy game is this?! I am pretty sure we won't do that. The house is okay, but it's a ranch style house(a clone of El Paso houses, which we're not a fan of), and the location would work, but is far from ideal(it is actually further from where we want to be than we are right now in our apt - 39th ave vs 48th st, so about 9 blocks further, and in a cul de sac, so we have to go around the block to get to the same starting point), but we're not gonna go to the top of our range for that house. So I once again got excited for nothing thinking we could get a house at a "low" price...

We also saw this one:

Which was really cute, in good shape, but there was nowhere to put the the kitchen lol. There's room in the room next to it, kind of. The floor is slanted there, so not sure how stable the fridge would be there, so the kitchen needs an overhaul, and at $300K we won't have any money to make any changes left. So we're waiting on this one too, but at least the location with this one is almost perfect.

So yeah...this is getting old :(

Again, I forgot to take pics of the houses, although I wouldn't have had time to process them anyway.
I am pretty sure you guys are sick of us talking about houses, so here are some pics of sunchokes. Or potatoes from hell, whatever you prefer. We got them in our weekly box of produce that they bring us. Else, I mean, come on, we would have never bought these things haha

There's a normal potato at the top left for comparison. I just made them into hash browns, and they tasted really good :) not very different from potatoes, maybe a little more earthy. I really like that they bring us stuff we don't even know what it is, so we learn about new foods and what not. 


  1. i love getting that box every tuesday...what i dont enjoy is the produce that has bugs in it sometimes :/

    1. Yeah, but it's no big deal. That's the price you pay for no chemical fertilizers in your food.
