Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sometimes you need to get out of the house...

Today we had beautiful weather. It was like 60 degrees and sunny most of the day. Geli was out and about all day, so she was tired and didn't want to go anywhere after dinner. I asked Sophie if she wanted to go ride her bike, and she didn't want to go either. I mean, that's cool for them and all, but I am inside the apartment all day lol. I felt it almost criminal to stay indoors all day when it is so beautiful out. So I went for a bike ride by myself over to the Esplanade, which is this bike trail downtown, that runs along the river, super awesome. I love it. I took some pics, but due to studying I don't have time to process them right now, so I owe you those.

But here is an old one of the same place I went to today:

Riding in nice weather is one of my favorite things to do. It's exercise, it's relaxing, invigorating, and here in Portland, you get to take in beautiful views. So yeah, I needed that...I am glad I got out for that. On the way back,  I stopped at the co-op and got some things we needed, then headed home.


  1. sounds like a nice ride(: dad rode his bike yesterday too, just around the block, 'cause it was a nice day(: I wanna go to Portland .-.

    1. I didn't even know Dad had a bike! That's cool! They should bring it when they come visit(assuming there's a way), cuz Portland on bike is waaaay better! :D

  2. I'd love to take a walk there, or ride a bike, it looks awesome.
    And yeah, sometimes you just need to take a walk, or in my case just sit in the couch and drink a cup of tea XD

  3. At least you didn't have Angélica complaining all the way because you stop to take pics, haha.
