Monday, April 8, 2013

Sometimes you eat cupcakes...

We've been eating cake and cupcakes every day since last Thursday because for Sophie's birthday Geli made 24 cupcakes to share with the class and a cake for us at the house. But since we couldn't give them out in her class, we had to bring them back home and have been eating them every day, which is awesome because they are delicious, but I am pretty sure I have never eaten so much cake in my life, so I will surely gain some weight lol(pics of the cakes later, haven't processed them yet).

For today's pic, here is my first attempt at a water drop picture. It seems almost as a rite of passage(or I look at too many pics on flickr lol) to take some waterdrop pics. I am not very pleased with it, I know I can do better. But this is what I got when I tried:


  1. Lol, something similar happened with my parents, my mom was in a cake decorating class and for a few months there was always cake or cupcakes, it was awesome XD

  2. our freezer is full of cupcakes...

  3. SAVE ME SOME! How'd you do that!! Just take a bunch of pics?! Or take one pic right at the perfect time. Lol

    1. I used the cable remote, so I can trigger it without touching the camera, and I had on high speed burst mode, so yeah, as soon as I let the water drop go, I hold the shutter down and it takes tons of pics. Then I pic the best one.

    2. chuy ALWAYS takes alooooooooooot of pics!

  4. I don't think I could eat cupcakes that often, me empacharia (don't know the english word for it). That's still a pretty cool pic

  5. Cupcakes everyday sounds awesome(x
