Monday, April 15, 2013

Sometimes you feel the pressure...

Okay, so the next certification exam is a week away, and I haven't studied as much as I should have. I now have 1 week to be ready for this exam and I haven't even done half the studying I want to do. Gonna need to power through this, but it's almost as if I need to feel the pressure to be able to do this well...weird. Last exam in this series though!

So, as you already know, I work from home. And this is the view I have from my "office". It's pretty sweet. I don't mind waking up to this every day :)


  1. This is a nice view; and pressure is guaranteed to motivate you to do somethi... is that a beer mug? Do you work while intoxicated Chuy!? :p

    1. haha that's my giant water mug. It is a beer mug, but I use it for water.
