Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Sometimes you study...

Today after work I didn't do much. Had dinner, played some Angry birds with Sophie and Geli which is apparently what we do after dinner now. And then I got to studying. Got a lot done. Been studying for like 4 hrs or so, and strangely enough, I prefer it a lot more than when I study just one hour or so. It takes me a while to tune out distractions and get "in the zone".  But once I am there, I power through the material, and I like it, so it doesn't feel like a drag really. I almost don't want time to run out so I can get more done.

Anyway, I will try to do this tomorrow too, so I can be done with most of the studying, and the weekend will just be review instead of heavy studying.

Haven't had time to process any pics, so here is another weird food pic, courtesy of the box of mystery(seasonal) produce we get delivered to our door every week:

Artichokes! They don't really look edible, they look like some tough desert plant. And you eat it in a weird way. Steam it, then you peel off each petal, and scrape off with your teeth the fleshy part that was towards the center of the plant. The closer you get to the center, the fleshier it is. And then almost at the end, you get to this:

It is kind of fuzzy filaments, that you scrape off, then there is the "heart" under it, and you eat that too. Geli made a mayo based dipping sauce that was fantastic. Even Sophie loved it. It was really good. Yet another vegetable we would never have bought. I had tried artichoke hearts before, but not the actual artichoke. Which by the way, the heart is so small, no wonder artichoke hearts are expensive. Who ever discovers these things? And how? I mean who looked at this thing and said "I bet you I can eat that!"?!


  1. I like artichokes! but now i don't know if i had artichoke hearts or just artichokes :b you should feed me artichokes! (:

    1. If they are available when we hang out again, for sure! :D

  2. Whoa, those things are weird. They're called alcachofa in spanish (Google Translate), I didn't even know that was a thing.
