Monday, April 29, 2013

Sometimes you run...

So I have to take Sophie to school now and pick her up. So what I've been doing, and plan to continue doing is use that as a little bit of exercise. I run at little over a mile between the 2 trips(.6mi each way). I walk her there(with some running sprinkled in since she wants to race sometimes), then run back to the apartment. And I do the reverse in the afternoon. "Might as well do something while you're doing nothing" haha

So here are some pics I had been meaning to post:

Hash browns and enfrijoladas I made for Sophie on her b-day weekend.

Instead of syrup, frosting lol

A typical Sophie lunch. Avocado/tofu sandwich, olives(she loves them!), pickles, and a fruit, in this case, blood oranges.

These birds visit our apartments every day around 11am. I saw them through my window while working.

They all come as a group, pick at the grass for food for a while then leave. I tried to get better pictures of them, but it was hard. They fled as soon as I went outside(these were taken from my window).

These bluebirds I had seen for a while and been meaning to take a picture. While trying to chase the other little duck looking birds, this one was posing!

Like a boss...

Then I was done, going back inside, and it flew down to the little porch, where I could get it from the window. They remind me of K-PAX. Bluebird!! Bluebird!

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