Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Sometimes you know you're gonna lose...

But you still try. We went to go see 3 houses today. 2 during my lunch from work, and one after work. The 2 from lunch were right next to each other, so we biked there. I forgot to take pics, but here are the links to the houses:



The first link, the house was cute, small, but we like that. The issues is that it really is only 1 bedroom. And while the price allows us to make some expenses coming in to the house, there were too many things we'd have to do coming in, and it wouldn't really be much of a savings after all. We would have to create a second bedroom, either by adding a wall and door to some of the living room, or by adding internal access to the basement(currently, you can only get to the basement from outside, and it isn't finished, so we would have to finish it too). No garage door either, and the roof looked like it was about to give out. Also, while the house was in decent shape, nothing was updated, so eventually we'd have to update it too.

The second link, the house was laid out very strangely. You have to go though one bedroom to get to the restroom, and through the restroom to get to another bedroom, like if the rooms were hallways. And it smelled horrible. Massively of dogs/cats and some really strong medicinal ointments. I am not exaggerating, I am not sure the smell would come out when the people living there would leave. Even the agent selling the house was not inside the house and was hanging out outside instead.

So we weren't going to do anything about those two houses. Then after work we went to see this one:


This one was beautiful! Awesome front and back yards! Killer deck! Gorgeous floors! The kitchen was the weakest point, and it still wasn't bad. It is at the top of our price range though, and there will most likely be multiple offers, so we will lose this one as well haha. Sound familiar? This might be getting old...


  1. The third one is too cool!!! But I actually like the 1st one too!!! Plus its waaaay cheaper than most!! I say you should go for it. you get to build the house you want!!

  2. Hopefully you find a house soon(:

  3. all those houses are pending now.... haha getting a house in pdx is crazy!
