Saturday, April 13, 2013

Sometimes you play a lot....

Today we played "I Spy" go fish, which is a card game with pairs, I really like it. We also played UNO, normal 'go fish', chutes and ladders, Sophie read to us, a lot, and got mad at us if we weren't completely quiet and have her full attention lol. We also colored with her while listening to music, and played "monito"(Little Big Planet). All of this from after dinner to Sophie's weekend bed time(10pm). I gotta say, it is draining, but I loved it. I love that she is growing up and we can play with her more as a person, than as just watching a baby.

Also , spring is ridiculously beautiful here. I am biking places and Geli gets mad at me because I have to stop and take some pictures, like this one:

I mean, you got painted streets lined with cherry blossoms and I am not supposed to stop and take pics? I can't do it! haha

This is Portland...and it is awesome!


  1. the problem is that you take too long enough for people to start looking our way weird...and it's uncomfortable!!! if you are gonna take a picture, be ready for it!

  2. No way that picture wasn't photoshopped, haha. It's pretty cool that you can play non-baby stuff with Sophie.
