Monday, April 1, 2013

Sometimes you go see a house...

I am not gonna lie, I was really excited about this house we went to go see today. On "paper" it was perfect for us. Within our budget, excellent location, recently updated, it looked to be in good shape. So we went to go see it today, and no major surprises. A little wear and tear compared to the pics(from 2008), but overall in excellent shape. What's the down side you ask? People...

There are multiple offers for the house, so we're gonna have to compete for it, which bumps up the price and we'll either end up paying way more, or losing it. So yeah, I am pretty bummed out...

Here, you can see the house:

But anyway, our agent will get back to us tomorrow and we'll see how much we are willing to offer for it. Although at this point, I feel our chances are slim.

Here are some more pics from Sophie's camera:


  1. That's a pretty cool house. Sucks that there are so many people interested in it...

  2. I hope you guys get it!!!! Also, there is no way sophie took that pic of me. Lol

    1. LOL How did Sophie NOT take that pic?

    2. cause it's taken from above! lol

    3. Sophie climbs everything. She could have been on those box/block stools we had.
