Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sometimes you go see a house...

I wasn't too thrilled with it, although maybe I should be because the location was okay and it was in our price range...Here is the link for it(forgot to take a pic):

 Anyway, here are some pics of other houses we've gone to go see:

This one we liked, but it is not in an ideal location, so we've hesitated to move on this one, which is a bummer, because the house itself is really nice and the price works.

This one was a bit big, and also felt very old on the inside. It is also further out than we want to be.

This one was nice, and the location is great. It had an awesome sun room, nice floors, well taken care of. But it's $40K more than we can afford :(

This one was perfect on the inside(and really nice on the outside too!). Perfect location too! The only drawback was that it didn't have a garage or a basement to put our bikes in. But it was gorgeous inside! Also, $50K over our budget! Also, it already sold :(
 So yeah, the search continues.


  1. i continue to wish you luck on your search! (:

  2. These are all nice houses... and Idk why you dont like the first one.. I actually really like it.. minus the yellow paint but that could be fixed!

    1. You mean the giant gray farmhouse? It's on 52nd ave, and it feels old inside. We're on 39th, so we'd be 13 blocks further out than we already are, and ideally, we'd like to be closer not further from the hawthorne/Belmont area so that even in winter, we can easily walk there in the rain and what not...

    2. Nooo, the first link. the yellow house!

    3. Ohhhhhhh lol sry! Yeah, Geli was okay with that one. But it just felt very old to me inside. Very. And I don't know how to fix that. I don't know why some houses feel old and some don't, or how to get one from feeling old to not. It's weird because they are all built around the same time and are around 60-100yrs old. And I don't want to get into such a huge debt for a house that is going to feel very old to me forever. So really it's more about my lack of know how on house maintenance than the house itself.

    4. I think it's that whitish color of the walls that makes it feel old. Lol but i'm not sure...

  3. Hopefully the search doesn't take forever!
