Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sometimes you avert disaster...

Today disaster nearly struck multiple seems I can't do new things without chaos ensuing. I remember my first day of work in Milwaukee I rode the bike, and it was raining, so I got soaked, in my dress clothes. Also, the day care people, on the first day, didn't show up, so I had to hunt them down, and was late for work lol so yeah, I am prone to chaos and disasters.

So as a preventive measure, I got the day off. Still, this did not deter chaos from ensuing. It turns out, I am terrible at calculating how much time it will take me to do things. And as a result, am always running late. I though I was on pace to get Sophie to school on time, and all of a sudden it was 8:05 and she hadn't even eaten breakfast!(we leave at 8:15) Also, apparently, I don't know how to do her hair, so putting the clips she wanted took way longer than it should have. She goes in at 8:35, and it was 8:22, so I decided that we should bike there to be sure she was on time. We barely made it on time! Barely!

Then, I needed to go to her puppet show at 12:30. I wanted to be there at 12:15, but ended up out the door at 12:15. Would have been fine, but my bike had a flat of course. So what to do?! I had to be there and record I took Geli's bike. I must have looked ridiculous riding a bike for someone that is 5'2". But again, I made it! Again, barely!

From my previous list of to do things:
  • Backup pics to external HD and mirror them.
  • Make Sophie breakfast and lunch
  • Tell Sophie's teacher about the before/after school care she will be attending(that we don't be picking her up, the daycare will)
  • Figure out where the before/after school care drop off is at the school
  • Talk to the daycare people about her snacks/breakfast/food(since we're vegan)
  • Fill out any forms they might need me to fill out (for the before/after school care)
  • Make dinner(x2) only made 1 dinner :(
  • Do laundry
  • Do dishes
  • De-click the fisheye lens
  • Pick up Sophie
  • Do Sophie's spanish lesson with her
  • Go to Trader Joe's(grocery store) - didn't go, but I did get tofu, which was the main reason we needed to go. 
So all in all, not bad at all. But it did get crazy, and I am exhausted!! Also, I missed Geli a lot. But I am glad she's working in her field again! So I am out...

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