Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sometimes you start again...

Back to the grind...I don't mean the daily work grind. That one is a given. I mean studying for cert exams again. I had a nice 2 weeks off. Now I have to start studying for 70-647 since I have it scheduled for 4/23.The last of 5 exams for the MCITP: Enterprise Administrator. Then I will take more exams haha

Tomorrow is Sophie's birthday! I am pretty excited for her. She has been counting the days for like 2 months! We're gonna take cupcakes to her class, and she has some gifts to open. And she's gonna have quesadillas for dinner. So it should be a really cool day for her.

Here are some more pics Sophie took:

My old chessboard Geli got me from recycled car parts, which didn't make the move to England :(

lol myspace shot?

The hotel we stayed at when we arrived in Colchester :)

Walking around Colchester, Essex, England :)


  1. AWWW, I love that pic she took of herself!! And your chessboard was awesome!!! You should've given it to me. :P Also, good luck on that cert!

    1. I know :( We should have saved a lot of things. Our bikes, chess board, surround sound, mattress, yeah. We didn't know we were coming back in a year though.

  2. Well, at least it's the last one of this series haha. Tell Sophie happy birthday from me :).

  3. Sophie's myspace shot is cute(x haha and that's a cool looking chessboard
    good luck on your cert! (:
