Saturday, April 27, 2013

Sometimes you are surprised...

Geli was infatuated with a little boy in a movie we watched. Get this, she thought a kid was adorable. Geli. Get your head around that...

We watched "Monkey Trouble" and let me say, I really enjoyed it. I seldom expect to enjoy kids movies, but this one was very entertaining, and even engaging. But back to the little boy, check it out, it is linked right to where the little boy comes out:

Geli really liked the little boy haha I still can't get over Geli really liking a kid!

Anyway, other than that, I am glad this hectic week is over. Sophie likes the before/after school care, so that is great.

Again, this thing won't let me upload pics. Weird. Like it opens the files, but never starts the upload....odd. I will look into this tomorrow. Maybe.

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