Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sometimes you make an offer...

So like Geli, I have decided to not get excited about houses anymore. This market is cruel, and there's just no point in investing so much energy into something that is ultimately out of your control. We just sent in an offer on the house I talked about yesterday. There are 4 other offers we have to beat in order to get the house, and we have no idea what they are offering. So it is hard to gauge what you should offer. It would be much better if there was a system when there are multiple offers where you can see who offered how much, and you can then decide if you want to go higher, like on eBay. But that's not how it works of course. You have to make your "best" offer blindly. And the thing is, that makes it hard to go the highest you would go, because you might be throwing away some money if the next best offer was thousands below yours. But no way to know...

So we offered $11K over asking price. Let's see if we "win". And even if we do, we then have to wrestle with the inspection results, and then the bank appraisal(which has to be greater than the purchase price, or they won't loan us the money). So yeah...I am going to attempt to do this as clinically as I can, because else it is just too taxing to go through all this.

Anyway, here is a picture that Sophie took when she was 3. One of my favorites from her:


  1. yup, there's no point in getting so attached to the houses when you know everything that can go wrong....i feel like this should be an exciting time, but it's just stressing hahah

    that pic is so cute!

  2. I had no idea that that was how it worked...
    Cool pic, haha :)

  3. Maybe you guys will get lucky(:
    i like the picture(:
