Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sometimes you go see houses...

Yesterday we started the day by going to see 2 houses.The first one was a cute "grandma" house. Like you could tell that an older person lived there, and it hadn't been remodeled/updated in decades. But it was very well taken care of, just the finishes were old. The problem with it for us is the location isn't ideal. But it did feel solid. Here's the link:

 The other one was pretty much falling apart. And despite this, it already had 6 offers on it. It is never a good sign when they don't put any pics of the inside, and yeah, sure enough, massive water stains on the ceiling from the inside, like really bad, to the point that it looks like it might fall in. A swimming pool outside with green slime/water in it. It was in terrible shape. And at a quarter of a million dollars, apparently that's a steal.

After that we went to play soccer at the park with Sophie, then to grab a pizza for Sophie and to some food carts for lunch. Then to the grocery store, then  home. Today, we did nothing all day. I made breakfast, then we played some angry birds, then we just were lazy lol. Right now we cooked some rice for tomorrow's dinner, and washed dishes. Back to the grind tomorrow morning...

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